Lost Dog YORK, PA

  Lost Dog Alert

Kike rainey


Pet Details

Pet Name:
Kike rainey

(ID# 273887)

Pet Type:
Pet Breed:
Pet Color:
White, Brown
Date Lost:
Pet Description:

Black with faded paws on it he's a white chihuahua apple head with three brown spots on his back he gets very hyper very excited my dog have seizures I did report to the cops I did and I told the officer said then if I don't find it and somebody will bring my dog back cuz I will press charges on them but still in the dog I know that they know that then that the dog is very scared he doesn't know what then what happened my grandkids I went out the door and he end up getting come and going out the

Area Last Seen:

17401 (YORK, PA)

Cross Streets:

Newberry st

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