Lost Cat KRUM, TX

  Reunited on 12/31/21
Yay! Less than 24 hours after posting Felix, we had a possible find from a lady across town. Her husband finally arrived home and we were able to go confirm it was our guy and he’s now at home!! He made new friends while he was out, so I’m a little sad taking him away from her, but very happy that he is home! So glad that he was found by such a sweet couple and so grateful for the sight and for them checking it. Thank you all!


Breed: Unknown

Pet Details

Pet Name:

(ID# 349456)

Pet Type:
Pet Breed:
Pet Color:
Date Lost:
Pet Description:

Very friendly! Medium size orange fluffy kitty. His collar was taken off by one of the kids, so he’s currently without a name tag. But he does have a home and he is very much missed!

Area Last Seen:

76249 (KRUM, TX)

Cross Streets:

Hopkins and Spruce