
May, 8 2015


Australian Shepherd

LostMyDoggie.com produced a tip that led us in the direction he traveled. Neighbors in my area confirmed they were called, though we ultimately found him through a FaceBook tipster a few miles away -- people in the area where he was found ALSO confirmed receiving a call, as did friends who lived in-between. So, without a doubt, they make the calls they say they will, and if fortune favors, someone in the calling range will have seen your animal. Regardless, I highly recommend LostMyDoggie.com. In fact, the day we recovered my missing dog, my cat slipped out and hasn't been back since. I already put in my LostMyKitty.com order. I can only hope to be successful in his recovery, as well.

May, 6 2015


Lhasa Apso

we placed this notice today and within 20-30 minutes I got a call from the person who found our dog Foxxy Very pleased...thank you

May, 6 2015


Domestic Short Hair

The phone message was clear and concise with all the information I provided. She was found pretty quickly. We are so very happy to have her home.

April, 21 2015



I received a text from my wife at 2:30. By 3:30 I had registered and updated a photo. I received call at 4:30 (recorded messages) that went to all the neighbor. After going to an office store to get flyers printed (from this website), I had 4 calls by neighbors approximately a mile away who saw my dog and one house which was able to secure him! He had been out 3 hours chasing deer, wading through woods and swamps. We were fortunate to get him back. The best $200 I spent as the calls worked! Great service and I highly recommend it!

April, 12 2015



Someone called us after receiving a call from your service. He had been gone for almost two days. Found him within two hours after receiving that call. Thanks Joe!!! Thanks "Mylostdoggie.com"!!!! Sincerely, Daniel, Tammy, & Tyson

April, 5 2015


American Staffordshire Terrier

The first day that the phone messages went out, the VERY FIRST call I received was from a woman who had received the phone message and she subsequently led me to the person who found my dog. The End.

March, 20 2015


Border Collie

We received a call 30 minutes after posting to lost my doggie. She was sighted but un able to catch her. After 2 more days she was found after numerous sighting phone calls from people that had received a call or got a flyer! Thank you It works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March, 9 2015



This service really does work! We wete driving around looking for our dog and a man called us who had heard the alert about six hours earlier. He had spotted him on his street, and we eventually found him on that street. If that man had not heard our alert and knew that we were looking for him, we might never have found him.

March, 4 2015


Bichon Frise

My wife and I were so thankful that someone suggested we view your site for assistance. What a terrific service you provide to folks in a time of need, especially if you've never experienced a sudden loss of one of your "family members". We received numerous words of encouragement and acknowledgement from other dog lovers and additional advice on what we could do. This saga has a happy ending for our family - Sampson was returned home around 4:30 pm today - 23 hours after he first disappeared. It's reassuring to know that with all that goes on in the world today that there are people who take their time to do the right thing - these folks picked him up near the front of our house in foul weather and provided a safe haven overnight. Thank you!

March, 1 2015



I'm thrilled with the results of LostMyDoggie.com...within 30 minutes I received an alert that someone had found my dog. I highly recommend this site. Thank you LostMyDoggie.com for getting Giblet home!

February, 28 2015

lil man


Update 2/21/15 tr - REUNITED Thanks to a great community member, Sarah Showers, this kid has been reunited with his owner. Lil Man was found by Sarah in South ...City on Michigan and Holly Hills. Social Media once again has prevailed. Thank you to Kathy Duncan for her keen eye and staying on top of it. It is obvious how Lil Man wound up in South City, they even changed out his collar. But thanks to a great community of dog lovers, they have been reunited and they were both very excited to see each other. Thomas Corey - Sarah and Kathy Dunkin are two angels sent from heaven. Such a great reminder that there is still caring people out there in this world. Living in Ferguson Mo with the things I’ve seen lately that was a much needed reminder. I frantically searched for Little Man since Monday night; while Lue Lue (my cat) and Patches (my other dog) sat each day looking out the window hoping Little Man would come home. I took off work and drove all day and night searching and posting flyers. Getting leads while searching and jumped on each one; but only to come up with false sightings. At one point during my search I realized I drove non stop for 8 hours. Then came the storms and cold temperatures made me worry even more. In addition to washing many of my recent flyer postings on poles; I had to go back and redo them. Of course thinking a little clearer, using sheet protectors this time. I must have visited over 100 light poles and even trespassed on private properties. Thank god I wasn’t shot. But paying a few hundred dollars for one of those pet search services recommended by the St, Louis county animals control was a very smart move. My flyer went everywhere with calls made out to 5000f people. I even met many people that received the call from the service I was provided during my ground search. Yes, social media worked and basically gave two caring people an added means of being caring as they obviously are in their daily lives. Yes Sarah and Kathy found my Dog who has been a family member for over 6 years. I owe them a great deal of gratitude for bringing my boy home. Kathy with her caring heart and good eye and Sarah who was even able to catch my Little Man which I know is a hard thing to do. Plus her quickness and her kindness to drive the long distance to get Little Man to me so he could get his medicine he desperately needed; was just great. I think Sarah probably realized at this point I would not be very good at comprehending directions, so she brought my boy home immediately to me. Yes, there are still caring people out there in this world. I found that out today. Thank you so much Sarah and Kathy for bringing Little Man home. Lue Lue and Patches thanks you too. Though Lue Lue is still a little pissed at Little Man for running off. She even hissed at him when he came home and she usually hugs him all the time. I think those two are in love.

February, 17 2015


Mixed Breed

WOW...WOW...WOW is all I can say. I wasnt sure about using this service, but boy am I glad I did. Our dogs name is Butler he is a pure bread mutt. Butler is 17 1/2 years old, tough time seeing, hearing and walking. Needless to say Lostmydoggie.com put a huge smile on each member of our families faces. Within 2.5 hours of registering Butler on this siite I was called by a stranger who received a message alert on there cell phone with all of our information and that person called me and said they had himfor us. THERE IS NO DOUBT IN MY MIND...that this service is worth every penny and a ton more. Thank you Lost My Doggie, you helped us find a lost family member. We will always be grateful. The Waite Family

February, 16 2015


Golden Retriever

We were lucky to find Cooper with the help of the local police but Lost My Doggie made it very easy to spread the word to all the local shelters, vet offices and animal rescue organisations. Cooper is now being closely watched and not allowed to stay outside by himself but in case he manages to escape again Lost My Doggie will be the very first service we will use.

February, 14 2015



Hello My experience with LostMyDoggie.com was extraordinary. I was desperate the day I lost Chiquita and the web site gave me all the elements needed in order to find her. They send her flyer to Vets, Hospitals and shelters and friends help me to do the same. The flyer that LostMyDoggie.com provide are great, colorful, simple and practical. Also it was helpful the fact that I pay for the Amber Alert. That was crucial in finding Chiquita so soon. She was lost on Tuesday February 03, 2015 and She was back home Sunday February 08, 2015. I am grateful that I find the web site and I thank the company for all the great services that they provide. I recommend LostMyDoggie.com Thank you, I am happy and satisfy with the service and the costumer service. Thank you. All The Best!!!

February, 11 2015



I would highly recommend Lostmydoggie.com. It was the phone calls that reunited me with my precious dog tonight. I also received several leads before the final one that reunited me with my dog. Even though the other calls didn't pan out, it kept me hoping which was very helpful.