
May, 18 2016


Pit Bull

LOSTMYDOGGIE.COM is the best ever!!!! I actually thought this was a scam, but wanted to utilize all possible options available to find my dog Roxy.....I cannot even explain how awesome this service is! All of the faxes were sent to vets and rescues in or near our area....lostdoggie.com provides you with a list of specific places in which the flyers were sent.....I verified that they were in fact received......As I was making my rounds around our neighborhood passing out flyers the neighbors were getting the automatic phone alert of our missing dog.....This site has really won me over and hopefully I will not have to use it again, but if need be this will be my first resource!!! Roxy is back with us Thanks to LostMYDoggie.com......Thank you so much for your services!

April, 21 2016


Labrador Retriever

Our dog had been missing for 12 days. Our whole family was very sad especially the children because our dog Luke is part of our family. We made flyers and put them out around where we lived and I called the Animal shelter in the town we live but they had not seen him. We were all starting to think we would never see him again. I found lostmydoggie.com while searching the web for ways to find lost dogs. I thought I would give it a try but really wasn't getting my hopes up. I created the account on Wednesday 4/20/2016 around 12:00 p.m. just 4 1/2 hours later at 4:25 p.m. I received a call from the Humane's Society nearly 50 miles away from where we live. They had our beloved dog!! Many many thanks to lostmydoggie.com our family is very grateful! Graciously, The Baldwin Family

April, 18 2016


Pit Bull

Well worth the money my dog was found within hours of using this service before I could even print up the Flyers I rate this an excellent service

April, 1 2016



It worked !!! I am so happy i decided to go ahead and pay for the phone alerts to neighbors. . This service saved my dogs life . Within the hour after alert was sent out. A kind gentleman called and sure enough Chloe was in his alley. Only a few streets over. Thanks to this amazing service chloe is home safe and sound. And I a nervous breakdown ;) .

March, 25 2016


Alaskan Husky

I bought the extra options: 750 voice messages and email/fax alerts to all area shelters, vets and pet businesses. This saved me hours of precious time, together with putting up posters, alerted the entire area. When we were out canvassing neighborhoods, almost everyone had heard our dog was missing. The awareness created by the service helped us to develop witnesses and discover our lost dog's direction of travel. Also, we felt proactive, which gave us strength and determination not to give up. In the end, this matters most: tell everyone and don't give up!!!

February, 22 2016


Siberian Husky

lostmydoggie.com was very helpful in the process of finding my lost dog Milo. With the help of lostmydoggie posters we were able to get the word out about him missing. It was definitely a stressful and heartbreaking few days. We were able to print out over 200 posters and posted them throughout the Huntington Beach area. With the help of the flyers the word got out about Milo missing and many people were searching for him. Thank you lostmydoggie.com for helping us spread the word to get our dog home safely. (: We really liked how they sent out emails and faxes to all the local animal hospitals and shelters throughout the Huntington Beach area! Milo is happy to be home and so are we! (:

February, 17 2016



Got 2 calls within 20 minutes of my alert being broadcast. Found my dog shortly after. Can't recommend Lostmydoggie highly enough.

February, 1 2016


Siberian Husky

I wanted to write this in case someone reads this and is missing their furbaby. Our baby Zeus went missing, and we were desperate to find him. We flooded Craigslist, Facebook, and tried to get flyers to every place we could think of. We had never heard of a service like this and once we looked it up were very skeptical after reading reviews of another service. So, we kept looking on the internet and came across Lostmydoggie. We did the free listing first, again, very skeptical that it would even work. We then gave the "alert 500 neighbors" part a shot that we paid for. Again, never really thought it would be done. Well, WE WERE WRONG !!!!! Within 4 hours of us listing it, one of my friends called me and actually got the Alert call !! This was even on a Sunday !! Within 2 days, we were flooded with calls. We were so impressed that we upgraded to the 1250 calls. Please - this service REALLY worked. We just got a call today and our baby was found !!!!! We cannot thank Lostmydoggie.com enough for all the hard work and we cannot brag about this service enough !! Don't use any other alert service, this is a truly legitimate site!! Plus, everyone that called us was shocked that a service like this existed and not ONE person complained about getting the calls. Thank you Lostmydoggie.com, we have our baby back !!

January, 31 2016

Stella/ Bella

Labrador Retriever

Highly recommend AAA+++ When faced with a crisis when you lose your dog, the sooner you post the better!!! We received some great leads which lead to a quick recovery.

January, 28 2016



My brother lost his dog Lanny on January 18, 2015. Came home to an empty yard, so she either escaped or was taken. My mother and brother and I went all over the neighborhood posting fliers and calling for her for over a month to no avail. We put ads in the local newspapers, but those only last 1 week. I thought I would post on lostmydoggie.com since it's a national site, maybe someone out of the area had her and would give her back... Fast forward 11 months. An emaciated mastiff was spotted approx. 30 miles away in a wooded park and finally captured by some good samaritans. They saw the post on lostmydoggie.com and emailed my brother to see if she was his lost dog. She was! If I hadn't posted her picture and details on lostmydoggie.com, my brother wouldn't have gotten his dog back. After 11 months, Lanny is back home!!

January, 26 2016


Domestic Short Hair

Thanks to the services of lostmydoggie/kitty and the wonderful flyers we posted, we were able to locate our beloved cat with in 4 days! We appreciate all of your help and continue to support your work in finding lost animals. THANKS AGAIN~! Michele Los Angeles

January, 18 2016


Silky Terrier

Being able to get Scooter's information and photo in front of people was key in finding him! The family that found him did not have access to social media, but her neighbor did. Posting his information on lostmydoggie.com and sharing that post to social media made it possible for the neighbor to recognize Scooter as a lost dog and give the family our contact information. We found him within 32 hours. He was safe and warm and more importantly, with a family who wanted to find us. And then you factor in the neighbors role...... It was perfectly orchestrated and we couldn't be happier! I would recommend this service to anyone who has lost or found a pet. Using lostmydoggie.com shaved off days and potentially weeks from our search. They covered every base needed to find Scooter. We are just so grateful.

December, 1 2015


Labrador Retriever

There are many companies that offer robocall services, but I only ever recommend and work with LostMyDoggie because their customer service is far and away the best. I used to recommend all of the companies, but my clients would report back to me that their experiences with other companies were horrible (couldn't reach anyone in person, the calls never went out, people would call and complain to them about the calls, etc), but LMD has never received anything but glowing compliments from my clients. I also personally and directly interact with them and know firsthand out helpful, professional, and caring they are. I recommend them HANDS DOWN. -Sarah Sypniewski Owner, NinjaDog Concepts

October, 29 2015



What a phenomenal tool, I recommend this to everyone who ever finds themselves in our shoes with a missing pet. Our China had been missing since September 8th, and literally within 24 hours of signing up for your call outreach program not only did our phone begin to ring of the hook, but we were finally able to isolate her location, trap her and bring her home. If you are thinking about enlisting the aid of Lostmydoggie.com, stop thinking. Do it. Every moment counts. Thank you for providing us with such a proactive venue for helping to bring our baby safely home. Susan Paige Vice President Orphaned Pets, Inc.

October, 7 2015


Border Collie

We had a number of sightings called in. The AMBER alert went out to 750 households within an hour of my sign-up. AND WE GOT responses. The posters we displayed also generated several phone calls. We used all social media available to us and pounded the pavement. Now we have SUCCESS!